Biden’s New Path to Student Loan Forgiveness: Who Could Benefit?

The Biden administration is making another attempt to create a new student loan forgiveness program. After the Supreme Court struck down President Joe Biden’s initial proposal. The administration is now exploring a different path to deliver student loan relief based on the Higher Education Act.

However, a finalized proposal isn’t expected until 2024. The Department of Education has released some details about the types of borrowers being considered for eligibility. In this article. We will delve into the potential beneficiaries of Biden’s new student loan forgiveness program and how it aims to address the challenges faced by borrowers.

The Need for a New Student Loan Forgiveness Program

The existing federal student loan system has left many borrowers burdened with overwhelming debt. Hindering their financial stability and impeding their ability to contribute to the economy.

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President Biden and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona recognize the urgent need to help those who have been failed by the current system. By developing a new student loan forgiveness program. They aim to alleviate the financial hardship experienced by certain groups of borrowers. Let’s examine the categories of borrowers being considered for eligibility under the proposed program.

Category 1: Borrowers with Balances Larger Than the Original Loan Amount

One group of borrowers being considered for eligibility are those who currently have balances bigger than what they originally borrowed. These borrowers have likely faced challenges in repaying their loans, resulting in accrued interest and growing balances. The proposed program aims to provide relief specifically to these borrowers. Recognizing the burden they face due to the compounding interest on their loans.

Category 2: Borrowers Who Entered Repayment 25 Years Ago

Another category of borrowers being considered for eligibility are those who entered repayment at least 25 years ago. These borrowers have likely been burdened with student loan debt for an extended period. Facing challenges in fully repaying their loans within a reasonable timeframe. The new student loan forgiveness program aims to address the burden faced by these long-term borrowers. Providing them with the opportunity to finally find relief from their student loan debt.

Category 3: Borrowers from Career-Training Programs with Unreasonable Debt Loads or Insufficient Earnings

The proposed program also includes borrowers who attended career training programs. That created “unreasonable debt loads or provided insufficient earnings for graduates.” These borrowers often find themselves in a difficult financial situation. As they may have taken on significant debt to pursue their education but struggle to secure well-paying jobs upon graduation. By considering these borrowers for eligibility, the new student loan forgiveness program aims to rectify the challenges they face and provide them with the financial relief they need.

Category 4: Eligible Borrowers who Haven’t Applied for Existing Loan Forgiveness Programs

Department of Education is considering borrowers who are qualified for existing student loan forgiveness programs but have not yet applied. These borrowers may be unaware of the relief options available to them or may have faced barriers in accessing the forgiveness programs. Including them in the new program aims to ensure that all qualified borrowers have the opportunity to receive the debt relief they deserve.

The Role of Negotiated Rulemaking

To develop and finalize the new student loan forgiveness program. The Department of Education is undergoing a formal rulemaking process known as “negotiated rulemaking.” This process involves a committee of outside negotiators, including borrowers, schools, and student loan servicer representatives. The committee will meet several times over the coming months to discuss the proposal. Provide input on the regulatory language, and ensure that the program addresses the needs of the borrowers it aims to help. Additionally, the public will also have the opportunity to contribute their perspectives and suggestions on the program.

The Impact of Existing Student Loan Forgiveness Programs

The new student loan forgiveness program is still in development. It’s important to acknowledge the impact of existing forgiveness initiatives implemented by the Biden administration.

Through these programs, the administration has already canceled $127 billion in federal student loan debt. Surpassing the debt relief granted by any previous administration. This achievement is attributed to the temporary expansion of some debt relief programs and the correction of past administrative errors made to borrowers’ accounts.

Among the existing student loan forgiveness programs are the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and borrower defense to repayment. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program offers debt relief to public-sector workers who have made 120 qualifying payments. On the other hand, borrower defense to repayment aims to provide relief to those who have been defrauded by their colleges. These existing programs have already alleviated the burden of student loan debt for many borrowers.

The Road Ahead: Challenges and Future Developments on Biden’s New Path to Student Loan Forgiveness

Although the new student loan forgiveness program holds promise, it may still face legal challenges and obstacles before its implementation. The Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Biden’s initial proposal highlights the potential hurdles that may arise. However, the Biden administration remains committed to finding a viable path to deliver student loan forgiveness and address the flaws in the current system.

While a finalized proposal isn’t expected until 2024, the Department of Education is actively working on the new program. The upcoming months will involve extensive discussions, negotiations, and refinements. To ensure the program effectively addresses the needs of the borrowers, it aims to help. The public will also have the opportunity to contribute their insights and suggestions during this process.


The Biden administration’s pursuit of a new student loan forgiveness program. Demonstrates its commitment to addressing the challenges faced by student loan debt. Considering specific categories of borrowers for eligibility.

Biden’s New Path to Student Loan Forgiveness program aims to provide relief to those with large loan balances. Like long-term repayment periods, burdensome debt from career-training programs, and those who have yet to apply for existing forgiveness programs.

While Biden’s New Path to Student Loan Forgiveness program is in development, and may face legal challenges. The administration’s efforts to rectify the shortcomings current system are commendable. As the negotiations and refinements continue. Borrowers impacted by student loan debt can look forward to a potential path to financial relief.

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